Rules of Conduct


You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language in naming your characters.


You may not pretend to be GM or e-Games Classics (hereby referred as “we”, “us”, “our”) staff, related department, employee, customer service representative. Once reported or caught, we reserve the right to incur penalty depending on the seriousness of the situation.


Players are not to distribute any hacking software (eg. botting software), or intend to use any hacking software. Any intention or action of using such software which directly or indirectly cause imbalance of the game would lead to infringement of Terms of Service agreed. We reserve the right for permanent account banning, or legal prosecution.


Players are responsible for their own account security. Please do not share account with others to avoid misuse. We will not be responsible for account theft due the cause of sharing account.


Players are not to abuse any BUG in the game. BUG abuses which cause imbalance in the game and game design shall lead to penalty depending on the severity of the situation.


Players are not to repeatedly flush chatting screen. Moreover, players may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. The above actions will lead to penalty depending on the severity of the situation.


In order to maintain fairness and balance of the game, players may not cheat or acquire items from other players through illegal transaction or actions such as hacking. Once reported and proven, severe penalty will be executed.


If items or game currency become involved in various frauds (eg. cash trade; Using An Illegal Program, etc) inside and outside the game, responsibilities and losses will belong to the user and victim. Furthermore, GM does not intervene in any situation. Account(s) that commit(s) a fraud will result in punishment(s) deemed by us and/or legal prosecution.


Players are not to publish any indecent language, threats, and disclose anyone’s privacy to interrupt or affect ones gaming experience. Once reported or caught, penalty will be executed depending on the severity of the situation.


Players are not to spread rumors to annoy, disturb, or slander other players, e-Games Classics or related. Once reported or caught, penalty will be executed depending on the severity of the situation.


Players are not to try to gain access to our game servers or internet resources for illegal purposes such as hacking or interrupting game operation. Once caught and/or proven, we reserve the right for penalty or legal prosecution.


Producing any side products and gain private benefits without written consent from us is forbidden. Once caught and/or proven, we reserve the right for legal prosecution.


Please be attentive to that any e-Games Classics representative will not request for password from players. However, we may retrieve items from players only under special circumstances (eg. End of special Event, etc). If the above are not due to us or our actions, we will not be responsible for any losses.


GM will not involve in any real world conflict among players. Players must settle on their own. GM does not and will not act as middleman.


If user(s) is/are found to be involved in any illegal activity which is entitled to lawsuit or legal actions from others, we will provide user’s details, data, etc to related agencies once we received instruction from them.


If a registered user’s details do not match the actual fact, we will not provide any support or service to the account and user. If player(s) disclose(s) or transfer(s) any confidential details or information to others, the player(s) is/are liable to all losses and we will suspend the member account(s) and game account(s). Once caught and/or proven, we reserve the right for legal prosecution.


If user(s) is/are found to be conducting or involved in any illegal activity or infringing intellectual property of e-Games Classics or others, without the prior notice to user(s), we will disclose user’s details, data, etc to related agencies once we received instruction from them. Moreover, an infinite ban of account use will be executed.


All accounts, characters, and related data in RAN Online are properties of and owned by e-Games Classics. For the purpose of creating better game environment, maintaining game balance and game server stability, and game operation needs, players agree to that we, edit, alter, stop all characters, items and related data.


The use of illegal programs which interfere and/or detect GM functions and presence is not allowed. We will monitor closely the accounts which go offline or leave the map at the presence of GM. Once proven and caught, we will permanently freeze the account(s) and reserve the right of law enforcement. No objection(s) will be accepted.


The use of Illegal Program(s) such as auto-hunting program, server hacking program and program that helps directly and indirectly, to team or party with other players is not allowed. Once proven and caught, the account(s) and/or related account(s) may receive penalty as we deem fit. No objection(s) will be accepted.


Advertising the intent to or commit the act of buying, selling, trading, sharing, or transferring items, currency, data, etc obtained from illegal programs or activities. Once proven and/or caught, we will freeze all related account(s) and game currency, and no objection will be accepted. We reserve the right for legal prosecution.


Once user(s) is/are found violating any of the rules stated above, we will carry out suitable penalty according to the Terms and Conditions agreed by user upon the sign up process. When needed, we will infinitely freeze or suspend particular user account, and reserve the right of legal prosecution.


Account(s) and/or related account(s) may be suspended permanently according to the user agreements and rules against the uses illegal program(s), exploiting bug, copying data, etc. Players are not to use, exploit, or transmit the bug to other players. Once caught and/or proven, we reserve the right for legal prosecution. Please inform to GM as soon as possible when a bug is found.


e-Games Classics reserves the right of the final definition of above rules, and can change, edit, include, exclude any other new rules. If any changes to the rules, announcement will be made on RAN Online official web page No extra or personal announcement will be made. If you do not agree to new Rules and Terms, please do not use the service. If you continue using the service, you will be automatically agreed to the new Rules and Terms. If users break any rules, we reserve the right to infinitely freeze or terminate your membership and there will be no refund.